Our Services
We’re here to help your business thrive with: strategy, execution, and advising from a team of experienced fellow BIPOC business people.
Not sure where to go next? Work with a consumer goods and services expert to create or modify a go-to-market strategy including:
B2B or D2C product launches
Media buying
Campaign concepts
Product-market fit
Omnichannel sales distribution
Building a non-transactional relationship with your customers
Do you have a bottleneck in your workflow? Hire a part-time or per project experienced jack-of-all-trades person to help with:
Internal sales rep
Email marketing
Trade show & event management
Sponsorship pitching & partner management
Photo & video production management
Budget workflow creation & support
With 14+ years of omni-channel consumer goods and services experience, get great advice and feedback about where to take your business.
From advice on next steps for your brand to investor decks to live support for key meetings, chat with someone whose been there before.
Client spotlight:
Yvonne Leow, Founder and CEO of Bewilder
“Darren is a powerhouse. There are few leaders in the outdoor industry who can expertly advise, strategize, and execute an early-stage sales and growth strategy, but he does it all with confidence and humility. He has carefully guided Bewilder through our ups and downs, and we’re lucky to have him on our team.”
Current & Past work